Cruces y Puentes Internacionales
Our Projects
The infrastructure projects in which we have participated are the following:
Brownsville-Matamoros International Railway, West Alternative (2002-2015)
This project consisted in the construction of a railroad bypass at the west of the cities, with a crossing border post on the 71.7th mile of the Rio Grande: 25ª 57’ 50’’ Lat. North and 97ª 36’ Long. East, measuring 5.8 railroad miles on the US side and a new International bridge; 6.6 railroad miles on the Mexican side and a new maneuver ground to substitute the one that was located at the city center of Matamoros.
This project is the first railway construction on the border of USA and Mexico in the last 100 years. Its construction started in 2011 and ended in 2015.
To make this happen we lead a binational administration and negotiation process that lasted 14 years before the Mexican and American dependencies, mainly the ones that participate in the Intersecretarial Group of CPI and the ones that participate in the Binational Group of CPI, where many challenges were confronted like: competition, bureaucracy, politics, financials, cultural differences, legal issues and transparency.
Progreso-Nuevo Progreso International Bridge (2008-2012)
This project consisted in the construction of the access road to the bypass of the fiscal grounds, the reinforcement of the protective barrier that goes from the grounds to the bridge and also the construction of the new fiscal grounds.
The process involved the Ministry of Communication and Transportation (SCT), the Institute of Administration and Appraisal of National Assets (INADAABIN), the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), the International Commission of Boundaries and Water, the Tamaulipas State Government and the General Direction of Customs.
Its construction finished in 2012.
Extension of the General Bridge of Ignacio Zaragoza and Brownsville-Matamoros (2009-2014)
This project consisted in the binational management and monitoring for the construction of the second body of the bridge, with the objective of eliminating vehicular overcrowding of trucks between the cities of Brownsville and Matamoros.
The process involved the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), the International Commission of Boundaries and Water (CILA), the National Water Commission and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).
Its construction finished in 2014.
International Ojinaga-Presidio Bridge Second Vehicular Body (2013-2020)
This project consists in constructing a second body to the north of the current bridge that was built in 1985. This will allow circulation through the Mexico-Chihuahua-Ojinaga corridor. The Hydraulic Análisis and the Study of Soil Mechanics have been performed.
Master Plan for the instrumentation of the intermodal integration of the border infrastructure of Matamoros, Tamaulipas and Cameron County, Texas (2012-2014)
It consisted in the integration to the Cameron County’s Regional Mobility Plan, the projects, programs, works and transportation plans of Matamoros, Tamaulipas municipality on the three government levels. This included the existent highway corridors and international bridges, the ones in construction and also the ones in planing stages to obtain the Master Plan for the instrumentation of the intermodal integration of the border infrastructure of Matamoros, Tamaulipas and Cameron County, Texas.
The plan was finished in December 2012.
Jeronimo-Santa Teresa International Railway Crossing (2008-2011) and (2015-2019)
It consisted in determining the crossing point on the border between the states of Chihuahua, Mexico and New Mexico in the US. We formed a technical group that involved the federal and local dependancies of both countries that included the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, the State of Chihuahua, the Municipality of Ciudad Juarez, the entities of the City of El Paso and the Government of the State of New Mexico. It is currently in the feasibility stage.
Acuña II International Bridge (2013-2016)
It consists in constructing a new international cargo bridge that crosses the Rio Grande into the city of Del Río, Texas. The objective is to speed up the cargo transportation between both countries. The feasibility study has been made and the boarder crossing point has also been determined.
Analysis of the projects of Cruces y Puentes Internacionales on the boarder of Mexico and USA for the Bank of Development of North America (2014)
The study has been made and it was presented to the federal authorities of Mexico and the US.
Tlaxcala-Puebla Passenger Train (2011-2015)
It consists on expanding traffic capacity and improving the quality of transit service between Apizaco and Puebla, transforming the existing 45 km railway into a suburban train.
The feasibility studies are on their way so that it can be determined if the right of way should be acquired followed by the elaboration of the executive projects and construction.
This project started being managed on June 2011.
Reconversion of the B&M Bridge from railroad to vehicular (2013-2020)
It consists in taking advantage of the B&M already constructed structure for vehicular use like it used to do in the past. This will improve traffic mobility of Aldama and Galeana streets.
Natural gas maritime pipeline transportation system (Brownsville USA-Tuxpan, Ver.) (2014)
It consists on the construction of a maritime pipeline that imports natural gas from Brownsville, USA to Tuxpan, Veracruz, Mexico.
Ojinaga-Presidio Internacional Railroad Reconstruction Project (2016-2017)
It consists in the reconstruction of the railway bridge of Ojinaga-Presidio that in 2008 caught on fire. This will allow the connection between this border point with the Topolobamo Port on the Pacific. The Historic Analysis, legal Analysis and Fact Analysis have been concluded.
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Entry Port (Sunland Park-Anapra) (2018-2020)
It consists in building a new international crossing between the City of Sunland Park, New Mexico and the Region of Anapra, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. This will detonate economic growth on both sides of the border and will improve urban order on the Mexican side. The feasibility studies of this project have been concluded, determining that the project is feasible. The second stage is now underway.
Piedras Negras Railroad Project (2015)
It consists in the construction of a second body of the railway. The historical análisis, legal análisis and fact analysis, have been concluded. The instrumentation stage is about to commence.
Ojinaga-Presidio Replacement of the International Vehicular Bridge (2018-2020)
It consists in replacing the existing bridge due to its low capacity. It has been determined that it is more effective to replace the existing bridge than to repair in order to increase vehicular and comercial traffic flow, reduce traffic jams, reduce waiting times on the bridge, assure a continuous flow of merchandise between Mexico and the US and also to improve safety for pedestrians.
Río Grande-Donna International Bridge (2019-2020)
It consists in the extension and modernization of the current checkpoint facilities on the American side of the International Bridge jointly with the facilities of the Mexican side, to reach a joint inspection scheme. The coordination among dependencies of both nations has been achieved (CBP and Customs). We currently are working on coordinating the projects on both sides of the border.